04-13-2013, 10:00 AM
HLE = High Level Emulation
LLE = Low Level Emulation
PSP has an OS which is a collection of modules. Those modules offer some API to handle any I/O devices without letting game developers directly to deal with hardware.
HLE = API emulation
LLE = Hardware emulation
ppsspp and jpcsp are HLE because they don't try to emulate the hardware but run equivalent modules rewritten in native code.
- critical code coded in Java are less efficient than one coded in native code through C++. The last comparison i saw between Java and C++ was biased in favor of Java because they compared with native code compiled through C++ in debug (unoptimized, the worst).
- development in Java is simpler and easier to debug.
LLE = Low Level Emulation
PSP has an OS which is a collection of modules. Those modules offer some API to handle any I/O devices without letting game developers directly to deal with hardware.
HLE = API emulation
LLE = Hardware emulation
ppsspp and jpcsp are HLE because they don't try to emulate the hardware but run equivalent modules rewritten in native code.
- critical code coded in Java are less efficient than one coded in native code through C++. The last comparison i saw between Java and C++ was biased in favor of Java because they compared with native code compiled through C++ in debug (unoptimized, the worst).
- development in Java is simpler and easier to debug.