You still have to decrypt the file as instructed into the log file:
01:37:55 ERROR crypto - user_main - Copy the created file
01:37:55 ERROR crypto - user_main - JpcspTrace.config
01:37:55 ERROR crypto - user_main - to your MemoryStick on the PSP under seplugins/JpcspTrace.config
01:37:55 ERROR crypto - user_main - Then run the JpcspTrace plugin on your PSP.
01:37:55 ERROR crypto - user_main - After the run of JpcspTrace, the file PreDecrypt.xml will be created on your MemoryStick.
01:37:55 ERROR crypto - user_main - Add the content of this file to the Jpcsp file
01:37:55 ERROR crypto - user_main - src/jpcsp/crypto/PreDecrypt.xml
01:37:55 ERROR crypto - user_main - under the section marked with 'Pre-decrypted data for POPS'
After you have inserted the PreDecrypt.xml file generated on the PSP, the above message will no longer be displayed and hopefully it will work...